Saturday, June 01, 2024

Volunteers made square possible

| August 9, 2004 9:00 PM

Rededicating Jeff Jones Town Square is an opportune time to acknowledge the volunteers who made this plaza a reality. Volunteers are key to "government of the people, by the people and for the people" — and in this case, they were the driving force behind the project.

The Downtown Revitalization Steering Committee was composed of volunteers who met for 18 months to hammer out the vision for, and details of, the 2003 revitalization project including Jeff Jones Town Square. Early in the process, many in the city said "Nothing ever happens." This time it did, and the volunteers on the committee deserve a great deal of credit for the project.

The groundbreaking and two dedications of Jeff Jones Town Square have not acknowledged this band of volunteers, without whom we would not have the wonderful new fountain plaza. Some of the most active committee members were: Jill Brewer, Dennis Durffee, Chet and Shari French, Sue Haynes, Jim Quinn, Bill Truby and Tom Williams. When you see any of these people, please say "Thank you for a job well done."



Former chairman,

Downtown Revitalization

Steering Committee