Saturday, June 01, 2024

Property taxes are out of line

| August 23, 2004 9:00 PM

I have lived in Sandpoint for 12 years. When I first arrived here, property taxes seemed to be reasonable. With the influx of people and the rise in property values, the people who have lived here for a long time are paying the price. Property taxes are becoming unaffordable, and many people are unable to pay their taxes.

It seems the politicians say we cannot put any limits on our property taxes because our children will suffer. There has not been any restriction on tax increases to date, and the schools and children seem to be in the same situation as before. With all the tax revenue from the high dollar properties that are being sold, tax revenues had to have increased significantly.

I believe the tax base should be based on the price you pay for your property, with a restricted increase. I believe that I, and especially the people who have lived here their entire lives, have a right to survive and not be put in a hardship which we can't afford.

If our elected officials won't help us, I believe it is up to the residents of Bonner County to take the action necessary to remedy the situation.

