Saturday, June 01, 2024

Hunt on for drunk drivers

| December 25, 2004 8:00 PM

SANDPOINT — Bonner County Sheriff's officials are using federal grant money this holiday season to crack down on drunken motorists.

Stepped-up patrols began this month and will continue through the New Year's holiday, according to Sheriff Phil Jarvis. The effort is being funded through federal grants that will be used to pay deputies' overtime expenses.

The program coincides with "You Drink, You Drive, You Lose," Month in Idaho.

More than 10,000 motorists in Idaho were jailed for drunken driving in Idaho in 2003. During the same year, 115 people were killed and nearly a 1,000 more were injured in alcohol-related crashes.

Sheriff's officials are recommending holiday revelers designate a sober driver before heading to an event or party.

The Idaho Office of Traffic & Highway Safety offers these simple reminders for the holiday season:

? If you feel "buzzed" or light-headed, you are probably impaired and need to call a taxi or make other transportation arrangements

? Stay where you are and sleep it off until you are sober

? Confiscate the keys of a friend or loved one if you suspect the person is impaired

? If you're hosting a party this holiday season, remind guests to plan ahead and be sure to offer alcohol-free beverages. Also ensure your guests leave with a sober driver

"Being arrested for drunk driving is probably not the way you want to spend your holiday season," said Sheriff's Lt. Doug Harris.