Saturday, June 01, 2024

Elgar best choice for our lake, community

| October 20, 2004 9:00 PM

Up until now, we've never needed a representative more than we need Steve Elgar. Steve and his wife, Britt both have doctoral degrees in marine biology. Steve loves our lake and the surrounding area. He knows the importance of preserving the entire drainage system that flow into and makes up our lake's pure pristine qualities.

Steve has the knowledge and clout to fight to stop the ASARCO heavy metals and contaminating mine project, which is located up Rock Creek — just 10 miles from the mouth of the Clark Fork.

If the only thing Steve does is to stop the Rock Creek Mine, his life would be fulfilled not only for himself but for all of us.

Vote for Steve as our representative and save our lake's future for our children, their children and our generation of offspring forever. Send a message to Larry Craig, who endorses the ASARCO mine, that the future of North Idaho does mean something to the real people of Idaho.



Conlan offers both ability, experience

Being an appraiser in Bonner County, I work closely with the Bonner County assessor's office. I'm in and out of there on a daily basis and have been very impressed with the friendly, helpful service I receive. You don't get that in all government offices, but Judie Conlan has made changes to the assessor's office that make my job much easier.

I know how important it is to have someone with experience in the assessor's position. Judie is a licensed appraiser, her opponent is not. I want an assessor who is licensed, qualified, and has the proven experience to be the Bonner County assessor. I will vote for Judie Conlan in November.



Lamanna is a man of integrity, honesty

I have come to a decision to support Tony Lamanna for Bonner County sheriff. I served as mayor of Priest River for four years during which time, I came to know both of the major candidates for sheriff in this election. I know Tony as a man of honesty and integrity who can be depended on to do the job well. His selection of Harvey Thompson as the undersheriff is a very effective addition to the team.

Their knowledge, effectiveness and overall likability and character compliment each other. I believe they are people who will continue to protect us from the criminal element while respecting the North Idaho lifestyle. I have been assured that their door will always be open to the citizens of Bonner County.