Saturday, June 01, 2024

Got kudos? Don't forget to thank those who do good, help others

| March 2, 2005 8:00 PM

The "kudos" portion of the Daily Bee is one of the most popular features in our local paper.

When we have done formal surveys, people always rank the kudos as a must read.

The premise is simple: Call up, drop off or Email a note to the Bee to give somebody a pat on the back.

Kudos has been running in the Bee for about 14 years and there have been times when we have had hundreds of them in the computer system ready to run. We have never run out but at one point we were down to a handful before a snowstorm hit, prompting an army of Good Samaritans to plow neighbors' driveways.

Jim Thompson was publisher of the Bee and Herb Offermann was the advertising director when I came up with the bright idea of launching Kudos.

"What in the heck is a kudos?" Offermann asked. "It's like the candy bar, it's a good thing," I responded.

Since then, kudos have been a much-loved part of the Daily Bee and are often cited as readers' favorite part of the paper.

With a momentarily lull in kudos, now is your chance to thank a friend for being there when times got tough, give a teacher a pat on the back for giving your kid an extra smile when it was most needed. Kudos cover just about every topic under the sun and that's just the way we want it. If you want to thank somebody for something, we're happy to print it.

If you have a kudos you'd like to see in the paper, just give us a call at 263-9534; drop us a note at P.O. Box 159, Sandpoint or bring it by the office at 310 Church St.; or, if you'd rather, you can e-mail it in

Remember, the more the merrier.

David Keyes is publisher of the Daily Bee.