Saturday, June 01, 2024

Noble finally did the right thing by resigning his post

| March 7, 2005 8:00 PM

State Sen. Jack Noble finally did the right thing.

After a month of controversy, half-truths and dodging, the two-term Kuna senator and convenience store owner was a whisker away from possible expulsion by his Senate colleagues. While a special ethics panel has recommended his censure, a movement to expel Noble anyway was gathering steam.

While he denied his plans to resign earlier, by early evening Noble's one-sentence letter of resignation made its way to Senate leadership. The note, as well as an acceptance letter by Senate leadership, were passed around a short time later.

Senate Majority Leader Bart Davis said the resignation will allow senators to recommit themselves to the business of the Legislature.

"It allows us to change our focus away from the cloud of the ethics investigation," Davis told an Associated Press reporter.

The controversy began on Feb. 4 when Noble attempted to introduce legislation that would have changed the way the state calculates the distance required between schools and liquor stores.

It's bad enough that Noble introduced a bill that benefited himself and not his constituents. Our legislators are their as our representatives and should be working on items that benefit us all.

It's sad is that it took Noble as long as it did to admit the legislation was for his benefit.

Politicians get a bad enough rap, and with Idaho's "working Legislature," these are folks who aren't there for the money. They're there because they believe in the system and want to make a difference.

Hopefully, Noble's actions won't tarnish those legislators who are taking time away from their families, their jobs and their communities — or hurt their efforts to help us all.

Caroline Lobsinger is managing editor of the Daily Bee.