Saturday, June 01, 2024

Letter was gobbledegook and convoluted thinking

| August 9, 2006 9:00 PM

Regarding 'Bertollini helps us remember' (July 30, Daily Bee letter to the editor):

America was founded as a constitutional republic. This has been bastardized into a "democracy." A democracy is rooted in mob rule, i.e., a small but highly vocal and/or powerful minority dictate, legislate or grant privilege to the masses.

Thus, you have convoluted thinking that generates nefarious and spurious policy:

? Separation of church and state.

? Prayer removed from schools.

? Vestiges of the Ten Command-ments removed from our courts.

? National heroes and statesman holidays given over to a known communist and adulterer (Washington and Lincoln to Martin Luther King).

? Second Amendment. "Bear Arms" redefined as to who can and what kind where.

? Fourth Amendment. "Search and Seizure" without probable cause and our new democratic Patriot Act.

? Fifth Amendment. Habeas Corpus suspended while FBI can detain and isolate indefinitely, etc., ad infinitum!

While you are checking on the virtues of democracy, you will ultimately find that you will choke on this slippery slide to anarchy.

Thanks for the welcome. However, I am not here of my own volition. You and yours will rejoice that one of my greatest regrets in life is that I ever came to North Idaho, and unlike, General MacArthur, should I ever leave here, I shall never return.


Bonner County

Detention Center
