Saturday, June 01, 2024

Bulldogs fall to GSL powerhouse

| September 6, 2006 9:00 PM

SANDPOINT — The Bulldogs fell 4-0 Wednesday night at War Memorial Field to Gonzaga Prep in a game much closer than the score would indicate.

While the final result wasn't what the Bulldogs (3-3-1) would have liked, playing a team of Gonzaga Prep's caliber is sure to pay dividends later in the season.

"We're one of the better teams in the state (Washington)," said their coach, Christian Birrer of his GSL powerhouse. "We finished third at state last year with this same group."

The Bulldogs may have suffered an even greater loss in the first half, when senior captain Michelle Flajole injured her knee and might be lost for the season.

"She's very valuable to us in the back," said coach Adam Tajan of his senior leader. "Not just as a player, but as a captain. We'll hope for the best."

Gonzaga Prep was able to control a lot of the possession, and held a definitive edge in shots on goal. Despite all of that, the resilient Bulldogs were nearly able to tie the game midway through the second half. Freshman Elle Kiselica just missed the far post on a breakaway attempt, and sophomore Brittany Oakley blasted a nearly perfect kick off the crossbar from about 40 feet out.

The Bulldogs play at IEL power Coeur d' Alene on Saturday.