Saturday, June 01, 2024

Mankind responsible for Earth's poor shape

| February 17, 2007 8:00 PM

I have to say, Mr. Davidson II, regarding your letter (Feb. 6, Daily Bee), your though process on global warming is, to say the least, somewhat scary. As I am a sniveling, whining global warming fanatic, I thought I would answer your question.

People, as a species, began to adversely alter the Earth's natural ebb back in the 1700s. With the advent of the industrial revolutions, many people traded in their simple agricultural lifestyles or home occupations for the steady paycheck of working for industry. We have cut down whole forests to build our homes, and cleared the landscape for crops to feed our growing population. We abandoned traditional methods of transportation to embrace modes using fossil fuels.

In the span of just 300 years, mankind has contaminated the planet, possibly to the point of no return. The United States is home to a mere 5 percent of the global population, yet we are solely responsible for 25 percent of the world's greenhouse gases.

You ask who the people were during your suggested 99,000-year period? Yo need look no further than the past 300 years. I suggest you climb down off of your self-righteous human pedestal and realize that if the Earth could, she would scratch us off like a bad infestation of leas.


Priest River