Saturday, June 01, 2024

Newspaper offers complete coverage of cleanup duty

| May 1, 2007 9:00 PM

A funny thing happened on the way to Pullman last Saturday … $3.25 for a gallon of unleaded gas, that's what.

That's not funny. That was is Colfax.

Why were we in Pullman? Our U-11 soccer team had games in Pullman and Moscow. That would be the undefeated Strikers U-11 boys soccer team to be exact.

The job as assistant coach isn't always glamorous. It's really just a good excuse for me to spend a lot of time with some great kids and parents. I also get to carry around a whistle.

As we arrived at the Pullman field Saturday, the team started warming up next to an area in the field that had been flagged. I asked Steve Meyer, vintner extraordinaire and head coach, what the marker indicated.

Then I walked over to it. Apparently in Pullman, their soccer fields double as doggie doo depositories.

Being the No. 2 coach on this team, it became clear that it fell under my responsibilities to deal with this. I jogged over to our gaggle of parents and asked if any of them had paper bags, plastic bags, etc.

They didn't.

I noticed one of the Pullman parents was reading a newspaper so I jogged over to him and asked if I could borrow a section of the paper, preferably one he didn't want back.

Now with a section of newspaper in hand, I tackled the problem and was headed to the garbage can when I heard cackles coming from the Sandpoint parents.

"Hey, get a picture of Mr. Publisher and send it in to I Took the Bee with Me!" One parent shouted. I can take a good bit of ribbing, I've got thick skin.

I also knew that the paper I had rolled the doggie doo in wasn't the Bee … it was the Spokesman-Review. For once, I was glad our competition had complete coverage of something.

Now you know the rest of the story.

Speaking of gas prices … Here's an editorial:

"What is the right price for gasoline?" was the headline.

"People of the northern part of Idaho have been treated to a sharp increase in the price of that commodity which has become as much of a necessity for business as food is for the body — gasoline.

"When the writer was in Boise recently he noted, as he had on previous occasion, vagaries in relation to the price of gasoline along the way which seemed entirely illogical and indefensible.

"Gasoline was then selling in this area at 18 or 19 cents a gallon for the regular or standard. At Pendleton, the price was 18 cents, at Baker 19 cents, and at Boise 24 1/2 cents.

"Now, however, the price here has kited to 24 1/2 cents. We do not know what the price is in Boise, but it may have been that the powers that be have thought that it might make the Boise territory feel better if they leveled the others up." This was reported 70 years ago in the Northern Idaho News. Thanks to the Bonner County Historical Society for this tidbit.

From the Bonner County Dispatch:

Sandpoint Police responded to a call of a cardiac or respiratory arrest. When the two officers arrived: "The report by an elderly male of a cardiac arrest had actually occurred on television."

Sheriff deputies responded to Priest River High School in an attempt to locate a cougar. I always thought the PRLHS mascot was a Spartan, not a cougar.

In Oldtown, deputies investigated a report of a stolen vehicle only to discover the vehicle was left out of gear and rolled away from the reporting residence without interference and came to rest at Food Fresh. There is no truth to the rumor that the folks at Food Fresh are now opening a drive through window as a result.

Last week, deputies responded to Coolin on a report that a turkey attacked a mountain biker, causing injuries. The report didn't say if the bike rider or the turkey was hurt.

And lastly, Sandpoint Police responded to a report of children behaving badly. Note: Parents may want to post this notice on the refrigerator with a comment that the police are only a phone call away if you don't …

E-mail of the Week:

Real newspaper ads:

Free yorkshire terrier.

8 years old. Hateful little dog. Bites.

Free puppies:

1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbor's dog.

Free puppies:

Mother, AKC German Shepherd.

Father, Super Dog … able to leap tall fences in a single bound.

Found: Dirty white dog

Looks like a rat … been out a while.

Better be a reward.

Nordic track

$300. Hardly used, call Chubby.

Georgia peaches

California grown — 89 cents per pound.

Must sell! Washer and Dryer.

Joining nudist colony. $300 OBO.

Wedding dress for sale!


~Call Stephanie.

For sale by owner:

Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, 45 volumes

Excellent condition

$1,000 or best offer

No longer needed, got married last month.

Husband knows everything

? David Keyes is publisher of the Bee. His column runs weekly.