Saturday, June 01, 2024

This war keeps getting closer to home front

| May 12, 2007 9:00 PM

The Iraqi war came home to Sandpoint this week.

Sgt. Brandon Adam, a 2003 Sandpoint High School, lost both legs in a roadside bombing last Saturday.

The 21-year-old had no pulse and had lost half of his supply of blood when help arrived.

He is now at Brooke Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. He underwent surgery last Tuesday and has started 12 to 18 months of therapy as well as bring fitted for prosthesis.

Adam isn't the first local soldier to get hurt or die in this conflict. He definitely isn't the only native injured or killed in the many wars this country has seen.

His injury struck a chord with Bee readers.

Predictably "Bush bashing" was mentioned often around local coffee shops. Reminders of why the United States was pulled into this war also came up on the Bee Webblog.

It's vitally important to remember this country was founded and continues to be the envy of the world because of the call to duty of many soldiers like Sgt. Adam.

This is not his war, this is the country's war as mandated by the Commander in Chief.

A person is entitled to hate this war all he or she wants but it is high time for us all to remember the growing number of fatalities and injuries coming from Iraq impact someone.

Let history write the war as only history can do. For the time being, let's pause and thank God Brandon Adam is alive and that this country continues to be defended by people like him.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Doug and Karen Adam on this Mother's Day. I have to believe, Karen has her best Mother's Day present ever — her soldier son is alive.

—David Keyes is the publisher of the Daily Bee.