Saturday, June 01, 2024

Stay close to home, save gas

| May 30, 2007 9:00 PM

Record high gas prices.

Road rage.

Expensive hotel rooms and restaurants.

If there were ever a great year to rediscover all Kootenai, Bonner and Boundary counties have to offer … this is the summer.

The AAA issued a report Wednesday that named Idaho as the 13th most affordable state to vacation in.

A friend of mine once told me to draw a 200-mile circle around Bonners Ferry and challenged me to not find something exciting to do inside that circle.

Our family hasn't been tent camping for years. We are going to do that soon in Boundary County.

We haven't climbed to the top of the Minnikinick Trail as a family. We will this summer.

We haven't gone on a long bike ride together since my daughter kicked off her training wheels last year. Our son is earning a cool mountain bike and wants to hit some trails.

We are going to do it!

We live in beautiful country and I believe that within 200 miles we really can find more than a summer full of fun while saving gas and avoiding road rage.

This would be a great year to reconnect with the many special places that spoil us with beauty and an opportunity to have fun.

Why not consider vacationing at home this year? We are doing it!

David Keyes is publisher of the Daily Bee.