Saturday, June 01, 2024

Former mayor starts up consulting business

| April 3, 2008 9:00 PM

SANDPOINT - As a former city council member and mayor of Sandpoint, Ray Miller's knowledge of city politics in second to none, and with his new business, RPM Consulting, he plans to put that knowledge to use.

Miller's goal with the new business is to help people navigate through the many governmental regulations and requirements that come with city politics.

If, for instance, someone wants to erect a new building but is unsure about how ordinances and regulations will affect their project, Miller feels he can lead them through the process in an easier and less time-consuming way than if they attempted it on their own.

“Over the years I've seen the frustration that citizens have dealing with everyday matters with government agencies,” Miller said.

One tool that Miller will use to help his clients is a spreadsheet with information that covers every Sandpoint City Council meeting since 1961. Miller believes the spreadsheet will allow him to glean information from previous council decisions that could help his clients.

Miller is also prepared to offer counseling on matters that he helped put in place during his 26-year-stint in Sandpoint public office.

“It can be humbling to see people react negatively to a regulation or requirement that I, as a councilman or mayor, was responsible for creating,” he said.

To make an appointment, call (208) 290-4793.