Saturday, June 01, 2024

Illegal immigration has tremendous cost

| April 23, 2008 9:00 PM

This is in response to March 18 letter on immigration.

Dear liberals (not the middle-of-the-road Democrats); the subject is illegal immigration:

What is it that you don’t understand about the word “illegal?” I agree with the person who said go to Los Angeles, Arizona, Texas and other states that are suffering from the burden of illegal immigrants.

Would someone tackle that single question with honesty. Don’t put a spin on it; our society is going to crumble under the huge negative impact of illegals.

These immigrants are certainly voting (illegally) Democratic so they can get all the free health, schools, jobs, bringing us down to their level — a third world country. Our history years ago would only let in immigrants that would bring something worthwhile; they were educated or trained to work in our society.

Long gone are the days when we can allow all of the worlds poor into the US. We are running out of resources for our own children.

Why don’t you read what you write, then actually think about what your saying! Rome fell and so can we. My guess is those who really think that it is a good idea to allow illegals into the U.S. also have an agenda of their own; me me me maybe?

I’m disappointed in some of my fellow Americans, you certainly have not traveled to the other countries that are trying so badly to get in the U.S. We can’t bring all those poor people into our country. What do you want for your own children; poverty? These are sad times and it is because of the very left liberals not the middle-of-the-road Democrats who are clueless and dangerous to the U.S. By the way, right wing conservatives are no better than you lefties! Do you really want America to be a third world country?


Priest River