Saturday, June 01, 2024

Let's keep it civil and may the best one win

| April 28, 2008 9:00 PM

The primary election is just over a month away and things are starting to heat up locally. I would just like to take this opportunity to explain to candidates what voters want to hear.

I don’t really care what Joe Sheriff, Commissioner Jack, Senator Bill or Representative Bonner has done since he/she took office, unless it is him/her telling me.

I want to know what the candidate vying for the position stands for, what they believe in and how they plan to achieve their goals. Last night, I listened to a candidate talk for what seemed like forever about information he found online about his opponent and what she stood for, in his opinion from what he “read.” Not once did he say what his platform was.

I get all the mudslinging and backstabbing I need watching the news about Barack and Hillary, and I’m sick of it. If you hear this kind of campaigning and agree with me, let the candidate know your feelings. Let’s keep this election civil, and may the best “qualified” candidate be elected.

