Saturday, June 01, 2024

Discussion needed on how to tackle hard topics

| August 6, 2008 9:00 PM

The letter to the editor (Aug. 5) by Laurinda Nosiglia highlights a systemic problem that the mayor and council should address. She said that a neighbor complained to the city that her car sticks out from her driveway and obstructs the public sidewalk in front of her house. Ms. Nosiglia finds the manner of such complaints offensive and reminiscent of how citizens behave in a police state.  

As chair of the Pedestrian Advisory Committee, I was instructed by former mayor, Ray Miller, and police chief, Mark Lockwood, that the city addresses such issues only on a complaint-driven basis.

Mayor Gretchen Hellar confirmed the same to me several months ago and stated that she doesn't like that system for the same reason offered by Ms. Nosiglia. Many of us agree. It doesn't make for good community.

However, I have been making one complaint a month regarding the worst sidewalks (strong potential for injury and lawsuit) on primary sidewalk corridors to downtown. That is the only way to address such safety issues. I do that as a private citizen. I don't like it, but I will continue to follow the city's system for what I consider high risk situations until the city finds a better way. I don't know whether the complaint in question was warranted, but I do know that we need a good discussion about how to tackle touchy issues and remain good neighbors.

