Saturday, June 01, 2024

Russell deserved what he got - the maximum

| January 2, 2008 8:00 PM

Fred Russell deserved to get the maximum.

Instead of taking responsibility for his role in a 2001 crash which killed three Washington State University students and injured several others, Russell took off for Ireland where he hid out until he was captured by U.S Marshals in 2005.

Russell was legally drunk at the time of the crash, having had a couple of beers at a bar and vodka at a house party.

He claimed he wasn't responsible for the crash and that death threats would prevent him from getting a fair trial. Instead of presenting his facts and proving his case in court, Russell fled.

At every point where he could have done the right thing and accepted responsibility, Russell did the opposite.

After a lengthy extradition process in which Russell fought against his return to the United States, he finally went on trial and was convicted on three counts of vehicular manslaughter and three counts of vehicular assault on Nov. 6.

Sadly, drunken driving seems to be on an upswing as Hollywood's hip and trendy are being pulled over for DUIs on a regular basis. What do Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Lindsey Lohan, "Lost" actor Daniel Dae Kim, Gary Collins and Mischa Barton have in common?

They've all been arrested on charges of driving under the influence.

Even more sadly, their high-profile lives and celebrity make them the object of admiration and imitation for some. When it comes to drinking and driving, these celebrities — or closer to home, an ordinary guy like Russell, are the last ones anyone should be imitating.

Caroline Lobsinger is the managing editor of the Daily Bee.