Saturday, June 01, 2024

Letter's point: politicians mismanaging fighting

| May 3, 2008 9:00 PM

A courteous response to Gen. Steve Whipple of Baghdad, Iraq. You responded to a letter of mine in which I expressed my opinion how our politicians are letting Iran get away with killing your friends and the nation's sons and daughters.

You, with all of your military wisdom and not knowing me from Adam, accuse me of not showing support of our troops. I got news for you general, I was a troop long before you were a gleam in your momma's eye and I've always honored and supported our military.

If you would have taken the time to really read that letter you would have seen it in no way degraded our military or dishonored them. You flat missed the point I was making.

You sounded like you may have taken your horn-blowing, flag-waving training from John Wayne. How do you know that I do or don't greet and shake hands of our returning troops. Just to let you know so you don't make that mistake again, the bombing in Vietnam was effective , it was the politicians running that war who weren't effective.

And the bombs are what got Saddam running for that spider hole. Before you start shooting from the hip and take that Audie Murphy gung-ho attitude and accuse people of not supporting the war and our troops maybe you should stop and thank us for caring about you and your friends. I appreciate everything you are doing to end this and I will shake your hand if and when I do get the honor to meet you in person.

God bless and keep you safe.

