Saturday, June 01, 2024

Wheeler has what it takes to be sheriff

| May 12, 2008 9:00 PM

What an array of sheriff’s candidates. We have one recycled, one absentee, one self-anointed and one who said in a public forum, “I want a drug dog placed in every patrol car in order to circle every vehicle we stop, sniffing for illegal drugs.” Wow. Shades of the Gestapo?

An incident reported to us by a bystander helped us make our decision. A couple of years ago, an emotionally disturbed person got a kitchen knife and began terrorizing folks in one of our care facilities. After getting the man outside and making certain that the doors were held shut from the inside to protect the other residents from the dangerous situation, Sgt. Daryl Wheeler used a ladder near the facility to push the person against the wall where he was held and disarmed. This was really great police work, keeping this situation from becoming one where terminal force was employed.

We endorse Daryl. We know his family, his integrity, his honesty and people personality with no hidden agendas. A forest of campaign signs and continual radio ads do not a sheriff make. Join the Idaho State Fraternal Order of Police and the Idaho Police Officers Association and others in voting for Sgt. Wheeler for sheriff.


