Saturday, June 01, 2024

election thoughts

| May 18, 2008 9:00 PM

Vote for candidates who exude integrity

With the election season crashing in upon us, one word frequently comes to mind: integrity.

It seems on all horizons — national, state, local and personal — there are examples of a lack of integrity by our leaders and people we interact with on a daily basis.

Webster’s defines integrity as: Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. In other words, doing what’s right, being ethical, and standing by your commitments.

It is extremely disturbing to hear politicians “stretch” or “forget” the truth, to enhance their campaign for political office.

It is equally troubling when candidates for office promise improvements or programs that are conveniently disregarded once elected or, officials who abuse the power of their office through illegal or inappropriate misdeeds. My personal pet peeve is people who make commitments and don’t follow through.

Citizens of our nation have a profound responsibility this year to elect officials who will lead our country and communities with integrity — that is — what is right and ethical for us all.

We all have a personal responsibility to thoroughly assess the qualifications of our chosen candidates. I would challenge my fellow Americans to lead by example and live our lives with the utmost integrity.

