Saturday, June 01, 2024

There is much to do to move country forward

| November 26, 2008 8:00 PM

Dear Barack,

The integrity that we as a people have — integrity to our Constitution, to our domestic laws, and to the international laws that we have agreed to uphold — is extremely important to the health of our nation, and for how it effects the rest of the world. It is necessary for all involved in the promotion, support, and carrying out of torture, to be accused and stand trial.

The last administration created and destroyed laws for its own aims, which has torn our Constitution to shreds, and not only compromised our standing in the world, but also made the world a more dangerous place. This administration, as you know, may, or as I suspect, already planning proactive pardoning for those responsible for the ordering and sanctioning of torture. Such a pardon/law would be highly immoral, and would be one of the last insults to the American people, nay, to the people of the world that this administration would give as they leave office.

It is time to be stringently objective about such issues. I do not need to tell you how onerous the coming necessary tasks you are facing. The wearing and tearing of our Constitution, and what has been set in place for further destruction of our Constitution, needs to be rejected. Much, if not most of what this last administration has enacted needs to be scrapped. There is much hope placed upon you as president and your future administration. I suspect that this hope is also a burden. Still, there is much that you can do.

