Saturday, June 01, 2024

Dawgs down Ferris in 7th grade Junior Tackle

| October 10, 2008 9:00 PM

 SPOKANE - Trailing for most of the game, Sandpoint scored on 4th and goal with less than four minutes left, then nailed the all important extra point to secure a 7-6 win last Saturday in Spokane.

The Dawgs offense started sluggish, picking up only two first downs and running just 12 plays in first half, while the defense defined the term "flex defense." The Dawgs allowed Ferris to control the ball up and down the field but didn't allow a score until less than a minute remaining in the second quarter. Ferris used a half back pass to get into the end zone for a 6-0 halftime lead. 

Both teams played like a typical boxing match early in the rounds in the second half, with not much going on and each team trying to capitalize on their opponent's mistakes. Then late in the fourth quarter, Ferris had the ball on the Dawgs' 35 yard line, when Sandpoint's defense stepped up to the challenge and forced a fumble.

"That was the opportunity we were looking for and needed to capitalize on," said coach Knaggs.

Then the Dawgs went to work offensively to try and get on the board. On the first play of the drive, quarterback Carson Paull ran a bootleg for 30 yards. Then, as the Dawgs' offense lined up for the next play, Collin Jurenka, who was playing wide receiver, audibled to Paull to change the passing route, resulting in a big 25 yard gain.

"At this level it is both amazing and fun to watch these kids understand the game that well to change a play at the line of scrimmage," said coach Givens.

With less than four minutes in the game, the Dawgs marched down to the Ferris one yard line. On 4th and goal at the one, Carson Paull took a quarterback sneak over the goal line to tie the game at 6-6. On the extra point play, the Dawgs used a throwback pass which starts off as a half-back toss and then the half-back throws the ball back to the quarterback, who was in the corner of the end zone, giving the Dawgs a 7-6 lead.

The Dawgs defense did the rest to secure the one point win.  On Ferris' next possession, they failed to gain a first down and the Dawgs ran the clock out for the victory. 

"This win puts our team in second place with one game to go," said coach Rust.  "We play Northside this Saturday and a win will put the Dawgs in the Championship Game at Joe Albi Stadium."