Saturday, June 01, 2024

Population is disenfranchised

| September 13, 2008 9:00 PM

Eight years ago, I was a McCain supporter. I believed he was the one to unite our country. "Maybe better late than never." I was disappointed when our nation chose someone destined to divide us and the country became controlled by politicians who are loyal to their party first.

Idaho seems to have more than its share of people who believe in the Republican party more than America. Eight years ago, I supported most local causes and programs. Today, I am not likely to contribute to anything if I see prominent Republicans involved.

Today, McCain is calling for us to put America first. Does that include Idaho? If someone who is not right-wing wants to write to a congressman, he has to mail the letter out of state.

If he lived in Sandpoint, he is not represented in Boise. Forty percent of our population is disenfranchised.

The controlling party of Idaho certainly is not interested in putting America or even Idaho first. We are not even represented in the majority party in Washington.

If we vote for McCain because we believe in America first, we would need to restore a balanced democracy to Idaho and get rid of all the right-wing politicians who control our state.

