Saturday, June 01, 2024

'Going Rogue' selling well at Vanderford's

by Keith KINNAIRD<br
| December 2, 2009 8:00 PM

SANDPOINT — Vanderford’s Books & Office is rustling up every copy of Sarah Palin’s autobiography the store can get its hands on as her book-signing stop in Sandpoint nears.

The downtown bookseller was sold out of “Going Rogue: An American Life” on Tuesday, although another shipment is expected today, said store owner Marcia Vanderford.

Yet another shipment is planned to arrive on Wednesday, Dec. 9, the day before Palin’s book signing at the Sandpoint Business & Events Center, Vanderford said.

“They should be here Wednesday and we are taking pre-orders in advance,” said Vanderford, adding that the store will stay open late that day if need be.

The store has also scrapped plans to sell books during Palin’s visit on Thursday, Dec. 10. The book signing lasts from 6-9 p.m.

The store originally hoped to sell books at the event, but Vanderford said it added another layer of complexity to an event which is already expected to draw hundreds and hundreds of people.

Only books purchased at Vanderford’s will be eligible for signing. That means those seeking autographs will have to show proof of purchase from Vanderford’s in order to gain entry to the event.

That arrangement has been the cause of some grumbling, but Vanderford emphasized it is a requirement imposed by the book’s publisher, HarperCollins.

“We’re going to follow the rules,” said Vanderford.

Palin, a former Republican candidate for vice president and governor of Alaska, was initially only slated to stop in Coeur d’Alene on Dec. 10, but organizers said she wanted to add another stop in Sandpoint, her place of birth.