Saturday, June 01, 2024

City takes up sewer, water rate hikes

by Keith KINNAIRD<br
| December 15, 2009 8:00 PM

SANDPOINT — The City Council is conducting a public hearing tonight to set new rates for water and sewer customers now that voters have approved a bond to update the lakeside water treatment plant.

The full council meets at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Base water and sewer rates for single-family residences which consume less than 3,000 gallons per month will increase. That base water rate increases from $11.28 to $16.50, while the base sewer rate will increase from $15.26 to $18.75.

The base rate threshold is also being scaled back from 6,000 gallons to 3,000 gallons under the proposed rate schedule.

Up for discussion, but not subject to a public hearing today is a proposal to implement a City Beach user fee for those who live outside the city. The proposal could either perish for lack of council support or the council could move to hold a public hearing at a later date to set the fee.

The council is also scheduled to take up a languishing false alarm ordinance, a requirement that motorists use hands-free devices while driving within city limits and a proposal to do away with restrictions on banner advertisements.

Outgoing Councilman Michael Boge proposed the city either enforce the banner rule, which allows them to be up for no longer than 30 days, or get rid of it.

Other agenda items include a proposals by outgoing Councilwoman Helen Newton to increase the Planning & Zoning Commission quorum from three commissioners to four and attendance requirements for members of the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee.