Saturday, June 01, 2024

Article was offensive to long-time residents

| December 19, 2009 8:00 PM

How wonderful that you decided to bless the residents of Bonner County with a front page article touting the Pedersens and their obviously ostentatious (at least by our third generation Bonner County resident standards) home — actually, appears to be a thinly veiled ad to help them dump this monstrosity in this obvious economic and real estate downturn.

Isn’t this Bruce Pedersen the same magnanimous interloper who tried to dump his property between Highway 200 and the railroad tracks in Kootenai on the Bonner County populace via his veiled attempt to set up a recreation district? The same Bruce Pedersen who so magnanimously evicted the senior citizens thrift store from the building he acquired across the highway from Dub’s? And the same Bruce Pedersen who is now trying to turn a once quiet, comfortable residential area surrounding the former Catholic Church property into a high density residential and recreation area — which, ultimately with benefit primarily his bottom line? If not, I apologize for my assumptions.

Seems you could place a more befitting article on your front page informing the area of the true need of those who have invested their lives in this area and who are not newly transplanted interlopers who are trying to gouge their profits from this beautiful area then disappear.

Your article was rather deprecating to those of us who have multi-generational ties to this community.

