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Tractor Man puts focus on customers

| December 22, 2009 8:00 PM

SANDPOINT — Like the area they live in, Mike and Cheryl Seitz say their business is a year-round enterprise as well.

“We are a four season tractor service with five star quality results,” said Mike Seitz.

Located in Sandpoint, Tractor Man tackles a broad range of land related project and maintenance needs. The company offers a wide range of services, including construction backfilling, field mowing, storm water swale construction and landscape grading. In addition, Tractor Man offers hauling, tree service, gravel and snow removal as well as a range of other serivces.

All of the services are offered at affordable rates, Seitz said.

To help potential customers get a sense of their services and rates, Seitz said the company set up a Web site. The site features pictures of the equipment, a current rate schedule and a review of the range of servics offered. In addition, there are pictures and videos of recent projects.

“The Tractor Man Web site is an important part of our overall strategy to communicate with our customers,” he said.

Seitz said the company has a customer-oriented approach to business with a focus on customers’ needs.

“When a customer requests us to take a look at their project or maintenance need, we do so with a sincere desire to accomplish their objective,” he said. “This would be in contrast to a business that is focused on deploying equipment. Our motto is ‘Our job is not completed until you are satisfied!.’ ”

In addition, Tractor Man rates are probably the lowest residents will find in the area, Seitz said.

“We recognize that customers need to make the best use of their dollars, especially in the current economic environment,” he added.

The couple said they saw a need for a lower cost, tractor/hauling service to assist contractors, homeowners and business owners and decided to open the business.

“We were involved in several residential/commercial remodels and a land subdivision project, and were surprised at the cost of obtaining these services from the larger contractors,” Seitz said.

By offering affordable rates, Seitz said customers can achieve their goals and still remain within their budgets. 

“My background in project management and Cheryl’s in finance has served us well to plan and start this business geared to meet the needs of today’s budget minded customers,” he added.

Tractor Man is committed to providing the Sandpoint area community a reasonably priced tractor/hauling service, Seitz said.

Information: online,; or phone, 610-8800