Saturday, June 01, 2024

Advisory board stands to do well under reform

| December 23, 2009 8:00 PM

Been reading the Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., amendment (700 pages) to the House health care reform bill (H.R. 3200), which I have read (2200 pages). Interesting is that as the Sanders amendment (H.R. 3590) was being read, page-by-page, on the floor, Sanders withdrew it. To me, this was done because he didn’t want anyone to know what is in it.

As I’ve said before, I am an independent. I think every current member of congress should be voted out and their retirement benefits cancelled. I have no party axe to grind, unless you count Dems and the GOP.

 Let me give you an example of what’s in Sanders’ amendment. The totality of your health care — how you’re treated, if you’re treated, etcetera -—will be determined by six people appointed by our president. These six people, plus “necessary” staff, will have their all-powerful thumb pressing down on you, so you might be interested to see what each would be paid… with your tax dollars.

The chair of this board will earn $177,000/year. The other five members will earn $163,000/year. The fortunate chair will, over his/her six-year term, earn $1,062,000. Not bad work, if you can get it, huh? There is a positive, however, and that is the creation of six jobs.

God bless America and God bless our troops.

