Saturday, June 01, 2024

Community rallies to help get Williams to Argentina

| February 18, 2009 8:00 PM

SANDPOINT — Thanks to the community support that has become a hallmark of Sandpoint athletics, sophomore Tanner Williams is currently touring in Argentina with some of the top players his age in the United States.

Williams flew out Friday morning to join with 18 other players selected from a national age group pool to participate. The trip was possible largely due to the community pitching in to help raise more than $1,200 required to make the invitation-only trip. Should Williams do well in Argentina, he could become the first player in Idaho history to make the national team.

Dyno Wahl and Diane Miller helped organize a dance at Community Hall which raised nearly $800. More than 150 kids attended the dance, which by most accounts, was a smashing success.

“Community Hall was packed, it was great,” said John Rinck, of the Sandpoint Soccer Association. “It was cool that given this hard economic time people would come together to send Tanner off to do something real special.”

The Sandpoint Strikers donated $300, and the North Idaho Avalanche Soccer Club’s U12 girls also presented Williams with a $300 check, raised by the club.

“Good luck Tanner, we are so proud of you,” wrote the U12 girls. “Don’t forget us when you become famous.”

Several other community members sent in donations, and current PASL pro player Brian Farber was instrumental in making the trip possible.

Williams will be a junior next fall when the Bulldogs, as stacked as they’ve been in years, look to defend their 4A state title.