Saturday, June 01, 2024

Supplemental levy is necessary

| January 10, 2009 8:00 PM

This is in response to the letters written, and to be written, about the upcoming LPOSD levy proposal.

 "… Tighten our belt and live within our budget" is a cliche we hear all the time. We must realize that supplemental levies for virtually all of Idaho's school districts are a necessary part of their budget. Always has been and always will be unless the state starts 100 percent funding for all the schools in the state. This is not going to happen, nor should it.

 There is a taxpayer name on every dollar bill on the state money tree. Every dollar the state has comes from us, the taxpayer, in one form or another. Now it seems to me that we would be better off if we put our money toward a local levy and keep the whole dollar here, in our own school district. If the state takes a dollar off their money tree to send to us we will not receive a dollar - we will be lucky to receive $0.85. Why not keep the whole $1 here?

 Yes, it is hard times, but surely we can sacrifice a daily cup of coffee to contribute to the education of our future generations. If you are reading this you benefited from taxpayer dollars in school, in good times and bad. Now it is payback time. I urge everyone to support the levy.

