Saturday, June 01, 2024

Bookkeeper answers lawsuit

| July 25, 2009 9:00 PM

SANDPOINT — A bookkeeper accused of misappropriating funds from a local property maintenance company has officially responded to the charges, calling the civil lawsuit “totally without any basis in fact or law.”

In court documents filed earlier this week, Patricia A. Amstutz denies any wrongdoing in her dealings with Northwest Property Maintenance, LLC, which filed suit against her in 1st District Court early this month.

The suit cited a half-dozen causes of action against Amstutz, including theft, embezzlement, fraud and negligence. Each cause of action seeks in excess of $10,000 in damages.

In answering the suit, Amstutz’s council, Scott W. Reed, said accusations of theft, embezzlement and larceny are untrue and meant to personally damage his client.

“This complaint brought in the name of Northwest Property Maintenance, LLC, was filed with malice with the intent to publicly defame defendant Pat Amstutz,” the document reads.

The answering documents also suggest Northwest’s owner, Diane Evans, may have perjured herself  by verifying that the allegations in the suit were accurate, despite not becoming a member of the LLC until after Amstutz had left the company, according the filing. Reed also claims the statue of limitations for such offenses has passed.

In answering the complaint, Amstutz reserved the right to bring countersuit against the property management company for malicious prosecution. She is asking for the complaint to be dismissed with prejudice and for reimbursement for attorney’s fees.