Saturday, June 01, 2024

Students' farewell has lot of 'art'

by Caroline LOBSINGER<br
| June 8, 2009 9:00 PM

SAGLE — If there isn’t a category, then Guinness Books of World Records needs to create one.

After all, how many people have 365 portraits drawn, sketched and painted — and hanging in one place?

That is what Sagle principal Don Moore found when he walked into school last week. Every wall of every hallway was filled with portraits of the longtime principal done by the school’s students to wish him well in his retirement. The students wasted no time dragging Moore from one end of the school to the other, showing him THEIR paintings and well-wishes.

After 17 years as principal at Sagle Elementary, including a year as principal at both Sagle and Northside school, today is Moore’s last day.

Moore was stunned by the school-wide art tribute — somehow the students and staff had managed to keep the project a secret. While a surprise, Moore said he was touched and honored by the portraits and heart-felt wishes and good-byes.

“Has anyone ever had 365 portraits of them done before?” he said. “This was very special.”

Each student created a portrait and wrote a message to Moore.

Some messages got right to the point.

“Mr. Moore, you are the best principal in the world,” wrote Zenda Olson. “I don’t want you to leave. I will miss you.”

“Mr. Moore, you rock,” wrote Hailey.

Some paid tribute to Moore’s accomplishments.

“Mr. Moore, you are incomprehensibly good at being principal,” wrote another.

Others let Moore know how much he meant to them and how much he would be missed.

“Mr. Moore, when I heard you were leaving, I wanted to cry,” wrote Rebecca Coop.

“Mr. Moore is delightful,” wrote one student who didn’t include a name. “He is a handsome and loving principal.”

Some recalled Moore’s Halloween costume as a wizard; others his penchant for dancing with students at school events. Each message, each portrait — done in everything from watercolor to chalk, pencil and pen to computer — made clear one point: The students love him.

“Mr. Moore is the best principole in the uneverce,” wrote Will as only an elementary school student could write. “He is a rely nice man. If there was a vote I would pick him. He rocks. Anyway, I wish he wouldn’t retire.”

“You are wonderful, Mr. Moore,” wrote Jacob Loomis. “I will never forget you. Good luck.”