Saturday, June 01, 2024

Democrats look out for the little guy

| November 4, 2009 8:00 PM

Recently someone asked me why I was a Democrat. My short answer was that I favored the little guy.

While that is the heart of my political attitude, it requires some explanation. I believe government should benefit the people. Otherwise, why have it? I believe the big guy can take care of himself, but the little guy needs help to have a seat at the table.

Two examples.

Unions represent the little guy in dealing with the big guy. When they came into existence we had sweatshops, horrible working conditions and poor pay. The union movement changed that. Over time, unions lost political support because of corrupt leadership. That didn’t make the union movement bad, only its leadership. But unions cannot survive and represent their members without the help of government agencies like the Labor Dept. and the National Labor Relations Board.

Health care reform is a hot topic these days. The big guy, in this case, the health insurance industry, knows reform threatens its gravy train. No other wealthy developed country with universal health care has for-profit insurance companies as a part of their system. Reform that includes a government supported non-profit insurance program (a public option) will force our existing health insurance companies to cut prices, which will reduce their profits and high compensation, money they make from our physical frailty and the misery it can cause.

These are both issues that pit the bigs against the littles. Without supportive government, there can be no level playing field.

