Saturday, June 01, 2024

Don't play race card in political disagreements

| October 7, 2009 9:00 PM

I hoped to never see the day in my country where if I disagreed with a man or president, I would have to ensure he was the same color as me or risk being called a racist.

Well the time is here.

A letter published by this paper penned by Bob Wynhausen questioned the integrity of all who would stand in opposition of naked Marxism an a power drunk administration, Mr. Wynhausen questions the integrity of patriots alleging “clearly, some hold great resentment at a black man being in the White House.”

How dare you play that tired and frazzled race card.

What card will the sheepish left play when it is time to turn in greenbacks for euros, when there is one salami and half a loaf of crusty bread in the grocery store with a line that goes three blocks around the store, how about when 80 percent of the gross domestic product is being spent on bums and street urchins?

How about this Bob, how about most of the tea party patriots have a problem with a neo com. Another question, where were the ultra sensitive and respectful when President Bush was being called a war criminal, when effigies were being hung and burned of him and other elected officials, or is the left only concerned when it is a black Marxist?

We fought the British over far less. It is time to stand and be heard, rebel and buck a corrupt system. Black, white or red, I see red Bob, red.

