Saturday, June 01, 2024

We need to return to our political roots

| January 23, 2010 8:00 PM

How about those independents in the original “tea party” state? Is this the political “shot heard round the world,” or what?

Who is that “masked man” riding an old truck, firing “silver bullets” into government secrecy, locked doors, lobbyists, unread legislation, government takeover of everything, and the over-limit national credit card?   

I am encouraged about the prospects of this “Lone Ranger” riding through congress, firing silver bullets into every area of out of control government.

Someone wrote “The greatest need of the world is men, men who cannot be bought or sold, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the (compass) needle is to the (North) Pole.”

The Massachusetts “Lone Ranger” is going to need “Tonto’s” help.   Now is the time for all American patriots to drop all party labels, party rhetoric, and become independents who vote for people representation. 

Each of us can help by contacting our acquaintances in other states with a positive message of the possibilities, if each of us becomes independent of any political organization. Organizations, divide us, sell our representation for their re-election coffers, and then use their knowledge to become lobbyists for direct access to our tax money.

Let us turn this political earthquake into a tsunami this fall, flooding American Government at all levels with people representation instead of corporate and lobbyist representation.

Let us make 2010 a historic year, the year America returned to its roots. This could be our historic legacy for our children, grandchildren, and generations to come!!

May God continue to bless America. Her future is in your hands.

