Saturday, June 01, 2024

Why are politicians abandoning us?

| March 3, 2010 8:00 PM

Some of our veteran law makers are opting to retire instead of seeking for re-election. Why are they deserting us now in our time of need? Could it be they view us as a vanishing meal ticket?

What do you suppose is causing this exodus of political experience as they return to the private sector? Senator Bayh says he loves the state of Indiana, but not Congress. Senator Chris Dodd said it’s nothing personal, he just feels that after 30 years it’s time to step down and let a new warm body suck the life out of us. The electorate climate change is a bit chilly these days, and rightfully so. Apparently out law makers feel we are too dense to comprehend the complexity of politics. Let’s approach the subject on a level even a child can understand … imagine our Congress on the U.S. Titanic just before it hits the recession.

Oops! We have a problem, certainly not the first time. Here we are, full steam ahead on a supposedly unsinkable ship. The party has been going strong on the upper deck with all the amenities and luxuries. Below, the “engine” is takning on water. First to leave the sinking ship are the occupants of the upper deck, who slip quietly away in their pension and bonus bought lifeboats.

Below, the gates are locked and guarded. We bust through but there are very few lifeboats left! Flotation devices are thrown at us! Meanwhile, the upper deck watches from a distance and … God help us, can they come back out of retirement to run again if we manage to come up for air this time?


Priest Riverpf