Saturday, June 01, 2024

Read Quran to learn about Islam, taqiyya

| September 7, 2010 7:00 AM

I bought a translated version of the Quran to see what being Muslim is all about.

The Quran tells Muslims not to tolerate any religion except Islam. It exhorts Muslims, in more than 100 passages, to fight anyone who is not a “true believer.” The evil of Jews and Christians is specifically mentioned in sections. (5:51) (5:82)

The Quran is filled with hatred of anyone who is not a Muslim and instructs Muslims to fight non-believers wherever they find them. (9:5) Muslims are instructed to “make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God’s religion shall reign supreme.” (8:40)

There are many passages about how to kill non-believers. “Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.” (8:12)

Muslims have been killing unbelievers all over the world for many hundreds of years.  It’s their religion, it’s what the Quran teaches.

The Quran instructs Muslims to lie if it furthers the Muslim cause. This lying is called taqiyya. Muslims believe the more they lie, the more reward they will receive. (16:106) You therefore should never believe what a Muslim says if it would further their religious cause.

Should our belief in the freedom of religion allow Muslims to kill us if they can not convert or enslave us?

The Sept. 11 mosque appears to be a victory symbol of their fight against us.

Check out on computer. Go to Also look up “taqiyya.”

