Saturday, June 01, 2024

Cheap, responsible way to educate kids

by LAURIE WADKINS Priest River
| September 12, 2010 7:00 AM

Considering our obsession with techno gadgets, cell phones, Google, Twitter, computers, iPads, etc, it makes sense to take the leap into the realm of online education on a national scale. Numerous schools like Kaplan Institute, for example, will no doubt eventually replace our dysfunctional and expensive public school systems. We are already well on our way to the abandonment of traditional communication skills. The question is, why not morph soon er than later? The technology is here and waiting.

Would our youth, no longer shackled with the regimen of occupying a seat in a classroom, buckle down, and on their timetable of priorities, pursue a diploma and a later college degree?

Many online institutions offer tuition free enrollment, a free laptop upon qualification, one on one teacher student ration, customized curriculum programs, and parents can monitor their child’s progress online anytime. Let’s not even get into the benefits to the taxpayer. The downside? Two things … lack of supervision and procrastination on the part of students.

What a concept. Parents would actually be responsible for the policing of their child’s education, instead of shipping them off to the public babysitter, who currently ranks 7th in the world for competence, down from 1st. Modern times have torn apart the very fabric of the family unit. Both parents working, latchkey children, daycare, babysitters, one parents households. Our high school students, the very same that feel entitled to a license to drive at age 15 because they are so ‘adult’ must step up to the plate and take responsibility for their own future. Shouldn’t we give online education a try, sooner than later?