Saturday, June 01, 2024

We need real solutions for those needing help

| September 26, 2010 7:00 AM

Health care plan? What a fiasco.

We have a system in place as I see it, Medicaid and Medicare, use it, fix it and make it accessible to low-income families. These being families making less than say $35,000 a year for four, disabled vets people on any permanent disability and over the age of 55 not receiving a insurance from a job.

I am a disabled vet, and draw a pension for my disability from a civil service job and can’t afford insurance. Heck, I barely afford raising my last two kids. My rent is low and we cut corners everywhere, and live from paycheck to paycheck.

My wife works, but her job wants $300 or more for insurance. I should be on medication for strokes, but can’t afford it; my wife needs to see a specialist, for gland problems a doctor can’t or won’t diagnose.

We bring home around $32,000 a year gross. I think that is average for a lot of families. I have to pay taxes on our income to the state and the federal return just catches us up, or replaces needed appliances or car repairs.

Yes, we need a system but not  a new one. Let’s fix America as it is just make it better for all. Why make it complicated? Make the drug companies making billions help pay for it.

