Saturday, June 01, 2024

Mr. President, please follow promise to lead us

| September 30, 2010 7:00 AM

An open letter to President Barack Obama:

Mr. President,

I have stood by you since November 2008. I watched your inauguration on a big screen TV in the bar of the Hotel Americana in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. It was one of the moments that make me proud to be an American. I watched the CNBC forum the other day and was heartened that you had gone out to the people. I am much like the woman that works for the AMVETS when she said that she was tired.

I’m tired of listening to the GOP leadership, the talking heads on Fox and right-wing radio telling lies about your citizenship, your religion and your view of America.

I have taken to calling what they are doing to you “The Goebbels Plan.” That plan is based on the theory credited to Hitler’s minister of propaganda in which if you tell a big enough lie often enough people will believe it. For far too long their lies have gone unchallenged. I fear that you are losing the battle for the hearts and minds of Americans. The GOP will never give you any opportunity for success.

The GOP is doing everything in their power to ensure that you fail. And, I fear that some of your advisors are enabling them. For whatever reasons there appear to be some within your inner circle afraid to call them on these lies, obfuscations and distortions. My biggest fear is that the GOP may win because of this apparent timidity.

Mr. President, you were elected with a mandate to bring change to America. Please don’t let that mandate go unfulfilled. Please don’t allow the Karl Roves, Rush Limbaughs, Dick Cheneys and Jim DeMints of this country win.  We are waiting for you to lead us. Please do so.


