Saturday, June 01, 2024

Armed qualified citizens is the answer

| July 29, 2012 9:00 PM

TV news anchors should refrain from referring to the semi-automatic rifle referenced in the Colorado tragedy as an “assault rifle?” An assault rifle is a true military firearm capable of full-auto fire, such as military configured M16A1, A2, AC-556, AK-47 and other true military weaponry. Unfortunately, that sort of misinformation is normal in the media.

The movie theater reportedly prohibited law abiding ordinary civilians with concealed weapons permits from carrying their concealed firearms on the premises. Unfortunately, it appears that no armed off-duty or retired law enforcement officers were in the theater when the psycho killer launched his predatory assault on the innocent patrons and theater staff. If lawfully armed civilians had been in the theater, they may have been able to neutralize the deranged killer and have saved many innocent lives and countless injuries. An armed law enforcement officer, active or retired, could have terminated the wacko killer’s murderous career.

Perhaps the theater’s ordinary citizen concealed weapons prohibition negligence is actionable in court? The families should sue.

James Holmes is obviously nuttier than a fruit cake on speed. Save the already overburdened taxpayers millions of dollars in needless expenditures, and lock his insane butt away for life in an institution for the criminally insane. Justice with economy.

Reiterating: If only an armed citizen or off-duty active or retired law enforcement had been in the movie theater.

More guns carried by qualified citizens is unquestionably the appropriate answer.


Spirit Lake