Saturday, June 01, 2024

State policy leaves much to be desired

| March 6, 2012 6:00 AM

I hate to sound resigned, but I guess we have to expect the kind of public policy we are getting from the Idaho Legislature.

Earlier in February, the Senate State Affairs Committee voted against changing the Idaho Human Rights Act to protect gay, lesbian and transgender citizens. Our own City Council had the vision to make such a change just before Christmas. At the time some asked, why do we need this. This appears to clear that up.

As if Virginia didn’t look ridiculous enough with their recent proposal to require transvaginal ultrasound as a pre-condition for a woman to get an abortion, our legislature, a paragon of smaller government, has decided that Virginia didn’t go far enough. How did Forrest Gump put it, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Finally, the House Revenue & Taxation Committee has voted out a bill to cut taxes by $35 million. The tax cuts will benefit high income individuals and corporations. Rather than use that money to restore some of the last three years spending cuts to important social programs for the poor or education, our legislature is going to lavish $35 million on the well-to-do. Who says there’s no class warfare?

Oh well, it’s Idaho!

