Saturday, June 01, 2024

Government spying is out of control

| July 4, 2013 7:00 AM

Government spying on individual communications without “due process” is completely out of control, and is an invasion of privacy and a violation of the Federal Privacy Act. It’s also an infringement of the First, Fourth, and Fifth constitutional amendments.

When questioned about these violations government officials claim “national security concerns.” This type of spying is the reason the privacy act was created and if its violation is allowed to continue, no matter what the excuse, and then the act is completely worthless, as is the Constitution.

Any government official who authorizes or condones this type of spying is in violation of their oath of office and is subject to removal. If the individual is to forfeit their rights and freedoms for “national security,” what’s the point of national security?

A reminder to cell phone users, a cell phone call is a broadcast on a low power radio frequency and anyone on the same frequency is free to listen in.

