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Dutson-Sater selected as new county clerk

by Cameron Rasmusson Staff Writer
| July 13, 2013 7:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Ann Dutson-Sater has been selected as Bonner County clerk, replacing Marie Scott.

Picked from a field of three candidates by county commissioners Friday morning, Dutson-Sater is tentatively scheduled to be sworn in Tuesday, according to Commissioner Mike Nielsen. She will take over the office from Bonner County Deputy Clerk Shelley Munson, who filled in on a temporary basis for Scott after she retired July 1.  

“I don’t know whether to be excited or scared, but it’s a big job and I’m ready to go for it,” Dutson-Sater said.

The most recent candidate to apply, Dutson-Sater decided to pursue the office after receiving some encouragement from friends.

“I knew I was qualified, but that really gave me the confidence to apply for the position,” she said.

Dutson-Sater was one of three candidates forwarded on to Bonner County commissioners for interviews, along with Jason Benell and Susan Campbell. The board of commissioners unanimously chose Dutson-Sater based on her experience in accounting and administration as well as her long history as a Bonner County resident, according to Nielsen.

“She’s definitely going to be a great team player,” Nielsen added.

Nielsen added that the entire board is excited about the decision and expects the new clerk will be a great match for the county.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am about this choice,” Nielsen said. “I really think this is a fresh start.”

According to Nielsen, Dutson-Sater has a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Lewis Clark State College. She worked as an administrator at The Bridge retirement home since 2010 and has charted many volunteer hours with local arts groups and the Sandpoint Senior Center. An individual with long community roots, she graduated from Sandpoint High School and has lived here most of her life.

“I have a lot of family in the area, so this strikes me as a great way to give back to the community,” Dutson-Sater said.

Dutson-Sater will serve out the rest of Scott’s term, which ends in January 2015. In the spring of next year, she will undergo a primary election within the Democratic Party. If she wins, she will likely go on to face a Republican nominee during the general election in November 2014. Dutson-Sater said she intends to campaign for the next term.

“That will be the plan unless something truly dire happens,” she said.

As the county clerk, Dutson-Sater has seven primary responsibilities, according to Nielsen. She will serve as the clerk of the court and the clerk of the commission board. In addition, she is the official recorder and auditor for the county, as well as the primary officer for elections, the budget and indigent and charity care.

“In my opinion, there’s no other position here that has more complexity than the county clerk,” Nielsen said.

The Bonner County Democratic Central Committee is also pleased by the commissioners’ choice. According to Laura Bry, chairperson of the search committee, Dutson-Sater quickly emerged as a front-runner for the position.

“She’s truly interested in doing this as a job and as a career,” Bry said, later adding, “I think the commissioners made a great decision.”