Saturday, June 01, 2024

Republicans rejecting growing voting block

| July 14, 2013 7:00 AM

Republicans seem determined to ensure their political defeat.  

The immigration reform bill, that recently passed the U.S. Senate with bipartisan support after both parties agreed to comprise, now faces an unsure future in the House.  

The compromise legislation provides more fencing and border security between our country and Mexico. And it also offers those who entered the country illegally — and whom we depend upon for a large portion of our low-income labor — a path to citizenship.

After calling Idaho Sen. James Risch to urge his support of the bill then before the Senate, he, of course, voted against it as did Sen. Mike Crapo.

Our congressman, Rep. Raul Labrador, who was engaged in a similar bipartisan effort in the House, walked away from the bargaining table. (Do you suppose he felt  Tea Party pressure?)

If they prevent the bill’s passage in the House, is there any wonder that the GOP is further alienating a growing Latino population in this country that contributed heavily to its defeat in the last election?

They have already lost California — our most populous state — and more recently Colorado and Nevada, with New Mexico and Arizona on the waiting list. Sure, they can still win Kansas and Oklahoma, along with Idaho (unfortunately) but they are definitely limiting any chances of winning a national election.

