Saturday, June 01, 2024

Elks Youth Golf Program teaches 41 local kids

| July 26, 2013 7:00 AM

SANDPOINT — The future of Sandpoint golf could be in some very promising and capable hands.

Sandpoint Elks lodge No. 1376 of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks is proud to announce that the Second Annual Youth Golf Program was a huge success.

The free program was provided by a grant from the Elks National Foundation for beginning golfers (T-level) and experienced golfers (Green level). The T-Level program introduced 41 new local golfers to the game. The kids had a great time and learned the basics of golf plus the life lessons of honesty, integrity, patience and fair play.  

The group spent Monday at the Elks passing out new clubs, shirts, hats and a new golf bag to the future golfers. Students were then divided into four groups, receiving a tour of a golf hole, while learning the fine points of a good grip and how to use it correctly. They learned what the tee-box, green and fairways are. They also learned where they are supposed to play and proper etiquette for each player.  

The second, third and fourth days were spent at the driving range using each of the new clubs, and when and where to use them. The last day was spent with the kids being awarded their clubs, and everyone was able to play two full golf holes with coaching. The day ended with hamburgers, hot dogs and pictures.  

The instructors sent them on their way to use their new skills at golf courses in the area. Good luck new golfers.  

Elks wished to thank the Sagle Driving Range for the use of their facility, the Elks Golf Course and of course all of the volunteer instructors and parents who helped.