Saturday, June 01, 2024

Zimmerman case free from racism

| July 28, 2013 7:00 AM

Just when you thought the Zimmerman case was over. The jury found him not guilty, end of story right? After watching hours and hours of live testimony during the trial, had I been on the jury, I would have voted the same. 

Our justice system actually worked in this case

The travesty is the national reaction to the verdict. Primarily, we have Al Sharpton to thank for stirring up divisive sentiment. Did you know that the good reverend proclaimed July 20 “National Justice for Trayvon” day? Who appointed Sharpton pope?

Particularly riveting was the prosecutions star witness, Rachel Jeantel, 19. She was on the phone with Trayvon almost nonstop right up to the altercation. Problem is, you couldn’t understand a word she said. Very poor communication skills even for a yet-to-graduate high school gal. She and Trayvon must have shared many deep conversations. There is a silver lining. Rachel will receive free help to obtain her GED, and also a fully-paid scholarship to college. Surely no one is more deserving.

Activist groups are asking the president to press federal charges against Zimmerman on the grounds of civil rights violations.

Excuse me? The week before, there were three separate burglaries committed in the very same town home, by black teens wearing dark hoodies. As a Neighborhood Watch volunteer, Zimmerman was obligated to keep an eye on a hooded youth strolling along in the pouring rain. Just what race is the “racist” here?


Priest River