Saturday, June 01, 2024

For some, winning is all that matters

| June 25, 2013 7:00 AM

Sandpoint is a wonderful place.

My home is on a big lake not far from a ski area. Town facilities are available from where I park the car. We have an extensive bicycle path system.

If you grew up where I did, it never gets cold in Sandpoint. If you worked in Wyoming, there is no wind here. If you lived on the coast, we never have rain. If your military station was in Texas, it is never hot here. If you went to school in Michigan, we never have muggy weather. Retired from L.A., the air here is always good. Earthquakes, hurricanes and tornados are forbidden!

If anyone has lived in a more desirable place than Sandpoint, I would be curious to know where. Of course, I would like this area more if the people with brains wired right would leave but that will not happen and right-wing people have as much right to congregate in North Idaho as I do. What amazes me is that every time I write a letter, some right-winger will comment, “if he does not appreciate Idaho values, why doesn’t he leave?” The logic is that this paradise belongs to them and they have some God-given right to be here.

Remember the slogan of the last election. “Take back the White House.” Take it back from who? To whom does it belong? Why would someone who believes in a balance of power government that represents all the people come to an area where the values are based on a one-party system and the goal is to keep people who think outside from being represented?

Obviously we do not come here for the political climate. Life has its trade offs. I know some of our politicians and find it interesting they are more conservative than right wing minded but they need the right wing block to stay in power. Without this block vote , Idaho could become a swing state or purple state. In politics, like sports, the goal is to win not improve the sport.

I remember when the anti-gay issue was on our ballot. Some politicians said this did not represent their value but it represented the value of the people who were important. At the political forum, in the Community Center, all the R candidates claimed they would support the Republican position against gays. The one exception was Jerry Clemons who claimed his moral integrity was more important than his party loyalty. Jerry is the only Republican to earn my respect. Our right-wing image does have the positive advantage of keeping economic growth down!

