Saturday, June 01, 2024

Schriber named chamber's top volunteer

| September 4, 2013 7:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Not only is Barb Schriber busy raising two young boys, she also helps her husband run the family construction business.

And yet she still finds time to devote an enormous amount of hours to the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce. Because of her dedication, Schriber was named the chamber’s “volunteer of the month” for August.

“Although she is not pink, our volunteer of the month bares a striking resemblance to the Energizer Bunny at times,” said chamber board member Amy Whalen.

Schriber’s role in the chamber is large, Whalen said.

She is the chair of the Business Development Committee, a chamber board member and actively chairs the board’s fundraising committee. Through the Business Development Committee, Schriber has implemented a number of new and innovative programs that help the local business community both learn and grow so they can contribute and be strong prosperous businesses. Barb was the driving force behind the success of the chamber’s Ultimate Raffle.

“Her force of will often time was the catalyst that kept us moving forward and to a successful conclusion,” Whalen said.

Schriber brings a lot to any organization she involves herself with, she added.

“She always has a positive attitude, never shies away from a challenge and is first to raise her hand when something needs to get done,” said Whalen. “The only flaw her peers can pin on her is the inability to say no, but no one plans to try to correct her inability to do so.”

Schriber and Selle Valley Construction also support and contribute to Panhandle Building Contractors Association, Head Start, Kinderhaven, Angels Over Sandpoint, Bonner County Rodeo and Bonner County Fair.

“She makes me want to work harder and contribute more,” Whalen said.

Upon receiving the award, Schriber told those attending the chamber luncheon that, “this is one of my favorite parts about Sandpoint, we’re big enough to have great events and organizations yet small enough anyone with a little time and inability to say no can be a part of our community and make a difference.”

“I’m humbled and honored, thank you very much.”