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Bulldog girls notch 0-0 tie

| September 25, 2013 7:00 AM

COEUR d’ALENE — Aided by a solid performance from the back four, Makayla Sundquist had seven saves to post her fourth shutout of the season as Sandpoint and Lake City played to a 0-0 tie in nonleague girls soccer Tuesday at the Irma Anderl Soccer Complex.

Sandpoint (4-3-2) head coach Conor Baranski felt his team team was better despite the tie, praising the play of senior captain Kaylee Kiebert.

“She was first to every ball, she wanted to score and came close,” said Baranski, calling his defense solid and organized. “It was probably the most complete game we’ve played in regards to to possession and executing the plan that we want. The only thing missing was a goal.”

Tiegan Horton had seven saves for the Timberwolves (3-3-2).

“There wasn’t a lot of attacking today,” Lake City coach Matt Ruchti said. “We were looking for a reaction from our group after last Saturday’s match (a 1-0 loss to Post Falls), and it didn’t happen.”

Sandpoint travels to Coeur d’Alene on Thursday.

First half — none. Second half — none.

Shots on goal — Spt 20, LC 14.

Saves — Spt, Makayla Sundquist 7; LC, Tiegan Horton 13.